Sunday, May 18, 2008

Thank you James...

for what you did for my birthday. You can be very sweet and kind. Too bad my birthday isn't every day. HA ha ha ha... just kidding, then it wouldn't be a special day. I can't wait to get the dirt this weekend so we can finally plant our garden, it's plenty warm enough!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

It's Angela's birthday!

She expects lots of wonderfulness on her birthday this year since we didn't do the present thing last year. I think she is such a princess... but she says she's not... she's just the middle child. (We're both the middle children in our families, I guess that explains a lot.) She wants to go here for her birthday.. either this year or next...I've been there before, with my brother Bob.

Everyone wish Angela a Happy Birthday!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day

I know James called his Mom today for Mother's Day and told her he loved her. He really does love his Mom and is good to her when she comes to visit. So, Happy Mother's Day to you. We love you. I'm including the video below because she has owned horses throughout the years and loves them. (From what I hear, she's quite amazing with them, but can't work with them now because she's like me... a hairdresser who has bad carpal tunnel.) Enjoy.