Wednesday, February 27, 2008


James is in the process of making a short movie. He was chosen to help make a film for a project. He gets to film whatever he wants then he mails the cartridge off to somebody else to film their segment on. They see the first and last frame of what you took and then they continue filming. The cartridge will go through 4 people before it is done. I don't know who will develop it but after all of that, we will have a fun time watching it, especially to see how it all comes together. So what is James going to film???? Who are the people that are filming with him???? What will the finished product look like???? Stay tuned.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

"Sure you can trust the government, just ask an Indian."

Speaking of bumper stickers, James is part Cherokee with some Paiute. I saw this bumper sticker and thought it was fitting because most people know how James feels about the government... he tells everyone how it's failed the people. The other bumper sticker that was talked about in my historical geography class went something like, The Native Americans had a bad immigration policy. It is sad that more than half and possibly more like three fourths of the Natives that lived in the Americas were killed off by diseases the white man brought.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

This very much suits James. He is very vocal on his stance as a Republican. He is very knowledgeable about both parties, candidates, people in office, and bills. It is fun to listen to him speak his mind to anyone who'll listen. (Sometimes not so fun, I don't like arguing politics.) However, this is who he is and he's a good person. I know, I know, all the liberal Portlanders will disagree... so be it... just stop ripping off the republican signs in my yard. THANKS!

Sunday, February 3, 2008


I changed James' title blog to this airplane because he was a pilot. I had a million dollar jet plane on there and he said to find the mooneym20c to put up instead. He likes this plane a lot and it would be a lot more affordable than the jet! He plans on working at getting his license back, that may not happen until I'm out of school. We were thinking about me getting my pilot's license since James has back problems. I think that sounds exciting!!! (Although, I get lost in new cities. We'd probably end up in China, but that would be fun too! I've always wanted to go to China.) In all reality, I was able to navigate Boston and surely if I can conquer that, I can figure out how to get where I need to be in a plane. I love flying.... love it, love it, love it! When I step on a plane, I know I'm really going somewhere far away and get to go on a real vacation!!!