Monday, September 3, 2007


James went to Teotihuacan to visit the ruins (See the slide show below). The city's broad central avenue, called "Avenue of the Dead", is flanked by impressive ceremonial architecture, including the immense Pyramid of the Sun and the Pyramid of the Moon. They are known to be ceremonial platforms that were topped with temples. Further down the Avenue of the Dead is the area known as the Citadel, containing the ruined Temple of the Feathered Serpent. This area was a large plaza surrounded by temples that formed the religious and political center of the city. The name "Citadel" was given to it by the Spanish, who believed it was a fort. Many of the rich and powerful Teotihuacanos lived in Palaces near the temples. Most of the common people lived in large apartment buildings spread across the city. Many of the buildings contained workshops that produced pottery and other goods. Today Teotihuacán is one of the most noted archaeological attractions in Mexico.

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